A child can overcome any obstacle!
When I began working with children I really learned about adults. We don’t change that much, we just get bigger!
When I’m working with a child that is overly emotional, and this shows as anxiety, shyness, anger, worry or sadness, – my first question is always; “What’s the trauma?”
Nobody is born to be over reactive. We overreact for a reason. When you release the trauma you free the child.
It doesn’t matter if the trauma is emotional, mental or physical – the effect on the person can be similar. So whether it’s a baby suffering because of birth trauma (unsettled, poor sleep) or an adult with post traumatic stress, the similarities are there in terms of what the body is doing. Relaxing the stress is the key to change.
Anxiety Carrigaline
Each person’s emotional health is unique to them and no two treatments are the same. Kinesiology is a fascinating and hugely rewarding process.
Tony also works with people suffering from the following;
- PTSD – Car crashes, Sport concussions
- Panic attacks,
- Social anxiety
- Fear of confrontation
- Boundaries
- Confidence
You can contact me on 0877876361 or contacttonygalvin@gmail.com or visit :www.tonygalvin.com